Friday, August 21, 2009

Don't go Changing.. to try and please me

Before you begin reading, press play. Think of it as a soundtrack..

Now we all know that one ( or more) girl who morphs into the person her loved one wants her to be when she's in a relationship. "My boyfriend doesn't want me to cut my hair, he likes it long" or " I wear more dresses because my husband prefers me in them" I understand that you should try your best to please your partner and looking pretty for them is important but, ladies. . . you should do what makes you feel happy. I'm not trying to propose that you do everything opposite of your partner's wishes and thus ruin the relationship but, why change everything about yourself in order to please someone? Shouldn't they love you " just the way you are"? If that means cutting off your waist length hair or wearing jeans more than dresses, its totally normal. I can honestly testify that every time I've experimented with my hair ( and that is a lot of times!) I have never consulted anyone but myself. In the end, you are the one wearing the hair/clothes/weight not the other person. Take control of your own life, your partner should be there to encourage and enrich your life not tell you who to be.


1 comment:

  1. great advice. i 100% agree with every word and encourage everyone to follow your advice!! sort of a life philosophy to me....
