This one's a keeper, on my nifty iGoogle application today I came to a link entitled 5 ways to get a girl to buy you a drink.
I must admit, the concept is genius and although I have not heard or witnessed it myself, I can't help but think how many of us ladies have actually bought a guy a drink at the bar? Here's a quick recap incase you can't click the link yourselves and ways for us as the ladies to avoid the sneaky methods.
Tell a story where a different woman bought you a drink. Of course, you can’t say, "So I was in this bar and this woman bought me a drink" and then smirk like an idiot
Ladies this is your chance to answer with a quick witted remark, " That's funny you say that, when I go to bars, guys buy me drinks too"
Follow up with a challenge, laced with presuppositions: "I doubt if when you buy me a drink it'll be that exciting but I'm sure that with a little creativity we can think of something..." If you look closely, this is a sentence made up of presuppositions. A presupposition is a statement where you assume that the person is going to do something.
Oh girls, nothing more fun than bruising a boy's ego with a little competition.. remind him you are smarter than his games, " how about you buy me a drink and i'll buy you one.. think of it as a supply and demand"
Assume her generosity. If a girl happens to say something like, “Do you want to go get a drink?” or “Let’s go get drinks” say: “Yeah! That sounds great, I’ll take a jack and coke” or whatever drink you want. If you say this with conviction as if you really mistook her meaning, it'll probably work, because most people won't say "No, I meant YOU buy" or "Give me the cash for it." If it doesn't work, fall back on "You get the first round and I’ll get the second." You'll end up paying for the next round but hey, you still got her to treat, rather than you buying everything.
Okay ladies, it's getting down to the nitty gritty here, A) this guy is lame and B) release him back to the ocean gently
Play the 5 questions game. This is a common game played by pick up artists, but there is no reason you cannot use it to just have fun.
do the fake giggle and then say, " listen, it was great meeting you but I have to go to the restroom, thanks again for the convo"
Truth is, a guy who plays pick up games is not one you want to date, or marry even. Sure, his sense of humor is there but you can laugh at funny stories or his quips without the blatantly cheesy pickup attempts.
so, next time you're out and a guy tries these tricks you'll be armed ;)
xox- S
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