Friday, August 21, 2009

The Case of the disappearing man...

The story you are about to hear is something that perhaps you yourself have experienced. If not, you may know of someone who has. Either way be prepared to enter. . . (cue music) The Twighlight Zone

The first time I experienced a phenomenon like this was back in late 2002. While working at an outlet mall clothing store, I was approached by a handsome customer and we exchanged numbers. At the time I was a teen and over the course of the following 5 months I fell head over heels for the guy who was 19, lived on his own and had a car, I really thought I was a lucky girl.

then it happened

Merely a week before my Senior Prom, tickets and dress bought, I received a mid afternoon call from my boyfriend whom we'll call " Ross", he was just getting out of work and promised to return my call later that night. Two hours, three hours, Four hours went by and still no call back from my boy. My impatience grew and the following day I called his cellphone and alas, disconnected!

Fast forward to the present year, I am speaking with a girlfriend and she begins to tell me about an amazing boy she met at the pool in her gym. For several weeks they shared a passionate connection and then all the sudden he moves Downtown and POOF! disappeared.

Has this happened to you or someone you know?

1 comment:

  1. oh yes... saw a guy of and on for a while when I was 18 he was 26 at the time. FINALLY lost my virginity to him at the tender age of 20....

    poof. gone.
    sent him off into the lost boys graveyard.
