Thursday, January 15, 2009

An ode to a great song for Single Ladies

This month's "Dating myself" series has brought a lot of questions ( primarily from the male readers) about why I've committed to this, and at times some teasing about how my "relationship" is going with myself. Is it so hard to understand that committing 30 days to yourself is not that big of a deal?

Our pop music often pollutes the concept of being Single making it seem like we are single not by choice but rather in some desperate state where we are trying to get a companion. News Flash: Some of us ( namely, me) are single by choice and enjoy it for the time being. I am not completely against relationships but, as you have read, my life is quite busy already to be adding someone else's burdens to the mix. Therefore, my all time favorite single girl's anthem is Single by Natasha Bedingfield.

Her clever lyrics, about being single shed a new light to most single lady songs. It is not too feminist, man-hating but rather just letting others know the status doesn't mean we are A) Lesbians, B) Desperate for a man or C) not capable of having a healthy relationship. My favorite line in the song is :
Everything in it's right time everything in it's right place
I know I'll settle down one day
But 'til then I like it this way it's my way

I hope that readers understand the reason behind the Dating Myself series and in the end get inspired to do a self analyzation on themselves as well.

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