Hey Blogosphere!
Thought I'd start chroncling my single girl adventures and thoughts on being in this exclusive and elite yet open to everyone group in the World. So lets jump in:
Okay, my stats? 23, latina, college graduate, Television Advertising professional, 5'0 self diagnosed with the hard to cure disease constant singlitis and having bipolar feelings about that.
Now that you can understand me, or pretend to atleast, let me explain my recent frustrations.
In the past weeks I have found myself stuck in situations that used to be throughly entertaining becoming more painful as the time goes on. My best friend's wedding planning takes over her vocabulary sprinkled with her odd desires to get away and do things before her marriage ( side note: does that mean I'm locked in a cage if I get married??!) and although i'm a sucker for chick flicks I am getting a little irritated when the topic of conversations in groups of femmes is love. My other friend, in a new and blooming relationship is neck deep in the first months love trance. And thats a great thing because she really got something you only see in movies. I really wish them the best. It is so serious, however that today I got the icing on my bitter girl cupcake... the proposal is coming soon which I extremely happy about but also sent me into a tailspin of analytical thoughts.
Having been in one extra long
Carrie and Big-esque relationship for the last 5 years could account for my severe bout in singleness. However, it escapes me how I am surrounded by the rarest cluster of 20something engaged and married girls in one group. Don't get me wrong, I am super happy for each and every one of them and they really have caught some great ones. But, is it really that necessary to marry that young? Some as young as 21? Maybe its just my distorted view that my career should be soaring before I commit or that I should get to know a variety of flavors in order to choose my favorite?
Whatever it is, I am trying desperately to get out of this bitter girl funk I am slowly venturing into. I think I've found the solution: lots of exercise, new shoes and a couple glasses of champagne but lets see how long that lasts...