Monday, July 5, 2010

Dating Myself: Day 5

Recipe for Happiness

Day 5 was a pretty laid back and blissful day. Did some shopping ( bought a pretty rad Scott Baio shirt!), also ventured to the Saigon Asian Market to buy some ingredients for homemade Pad Thai. Later that night, I proceeded to craft the most delicious Pad Thai I've ever had (okay, maybe I'm being extra nice to myself) But, it was pretty surprising that:
A) I did not burn the kitchen down

B) my meal did not taste like cardboard and
C) I made plenty to save for leftovers.

Satisfied from a big meal, I made home made Chai Tea and relaxed for a cozy night watching Netflix films.

Satisfaction can come in many forms; It can be physical, emotional, spiritual or a combination of the three. Thinking about what made this day so blissful, I decided to think of the somewhat menial details that can make any moment satisfactory:

Great movies
Sunny days
a to-do list that is completely crossed off
post-workout endorphins
realizing you're one size smaller in clothes
Good hair days
your fave sports team winning the game
A clean apartment, room, desk... cleanliness in general.
Thank you notes
finding a great parking spot
Catching your favorite Seinfeld or FRIENDS re-run on.
A great meal (i.e. my Pad thai)
Accomplishing something completely on your own. No help necessary.
Assembling IKEA furniture by yourself.
Changing your own flat tire correctly.

This can go on and on,
Sometimes its the little things in life that make you smile when the bigger things aren't working to your advantage

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